Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2012

Motivation as one of the best ways to improve student’s achievement at school

Motivation as one of the best ways to improve student’s achievement at school

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Good Morning Everybody,
The Honorable of the teachers, my friends whom I loved and everyone who attending in this place, first let's say thanks to Allah SWT, because of the grace and gifts we can be here now. Before I start to speech, I want to introduce my self. My name is Putra Andhika from the class social one. Now I will start to speech with the theme is motivation as one of the best ways to improve student’s achievement at school.
We all already know about student ability in study at school. There stupid, smart, and very smart. In basicly every student is smart, but many students not use their brain for thinking clearly. It is a problem experienced by many students at school.  Here, the role of teachers is needed in the learning process of students in school. So does the motivation is the need to improve student achievement in learning.
            In each field, the motivation is always needed, because this is the major driving force or power to move. Like also the students. Student motivation is needed to enable students to be more active in learning and innovating works of a positive result. Motivation can give feel the spirit to students in learning process at school, at home and the other place.
            There are many ways to provide motivation, for example by providing support and awards for the achievement of students. It is intended that the students can be motivated or to motivate himself to be better in improving achievement in the field of academic and non academic.
            So, it is concluded that motives other than to give a sense of spirit, motivation as one of the best ways to improve student’s achievement at school.
            I think that is all of my speech, thanks for your kind attention to my speech. If there are any mistakes in my speech, please apologize me. See you letter, have nice day.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb  

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